11gR2 – raw and block devices – no longer supported

I was just reading up on the 11gR2 documentation for Grid Infrastructure Installation and finally we have a closure on the topic of RAW and BLOCK devices for OCR and VOTING disks:

With this release, OUI no longer supports installation of Oracle Clusterware files on block or raw devices. Install Oracle Clusterware files either on Automatic Storage Management diskgroups, or in a supported shared file system.

For new installations, OCR and voting disk files can be placed either on ASM, or on a cluster file system or NFS system. Installing Oracle Clusterware files on raw or block devices is no longer supported, unless an existing system is being upgraded.

REFERENCE: What’s New in Oracle Grid Infrastructure Installation and Configuration?

Perfect timing! I was just mulling over what to do with OCR/VOTING on my upcoming SAN-based RAC install — now it’s clear — use 11gR2 and store them on ASM.


  • Dude,

    You can’t put the OCR and vote/quorum devices in ASM…

    Clusterware must be up before ASM, so you need to put them on OCFS2…


  • According to the 11gR2 documentation — “OCR and voting disk files can be placed either on ASM, or on a cluster file system or NFS system

  • Douglas – your comment about ASM after Clusterware was true for 11gR1 and older.

    With 11g Release 2, ASM is part of clusterware install. MVE’s statement is correct for 11gR2.

September 10, 2009

Posted In: RAC

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